
Yotta Testify is a new automated testing capability for TV Operators & CE Manufacturers who want to improve the quality of their products and reduce their costs.

The burden of receiver integration testing and operational monitoring is increasing exponentially year on year. With the rapidly increasing combination of: CAS, manufacturer, model, middleware version, application version, and application features it is difficult to test all of them manually and it is time consuming to develop new application features across all configurations.

  • Yotta Testify enables remote testing of a cohort of TVs from anywhere in the world. This allows TV Operators & CE Manufacturers to quickly identify and resolve problems before the customer discovers them.

    Yotta Testify offers thorough testing to help TV Operators comply with regulatory requirements and gathers crucial application and operational data 24x7.

  • Yotta Testify is a suite of tools, techniques and services that:

    • Efficiently scopes and designs tests to focus on your test priorities

    • Continuously and automatically tests a cohort of receivers

    • Securely provides realtime access and control of remote receivers for operational monitoring and effective application development

    • Integrates with, and augments, existing tools and test design

    • Audits tests and automatically evaluates results

  • Yotta Testify:

    • Focuses on your test priorities by automated test design and scoping

    • Saves time and effort by executing tests automatically and grouping receivers into a test cohort

    • Gives confidence in process, and traceability of tests with automatic test auditing and evaluation